
Jet Ski Engine Hours – What Is Too Many and What They Mean

I’ve talked briefly about hours in my post on what to look for in a used jet ski. This topic is so vast, I feel this subject deserves its own post.

So let’s cover all questions like…

  • What are too many hours?
  • Should you buy a jet ski over 300 hours?
  • How long does jet skis last?
  • Do hours matter?
  • Despite the hours, what models to avoid.
  • How to tell the hours on a ski.
  • How are hours counted?
  • Engine hours and maintenance.
  • Use hours as a gas gauge?

What Are Too Many Hours?

The average person puts 30 hours a year on their jet ski. So if the machine is 5 years old, I would expect it to have 150 hours.

jet ski hours for the years

If it’s under that number, I consider that a win.

If it’s over 40 a year, I start looking for other factors to determine if it’s worth it.

These are numbers I expect, on average, and not the max life.

Hours Calculator

Enter the year the ski was manufactured and its current hours to calculate if it has a lot, a little, or an okay number of hours.

How Many Hours Is A Lot?

As a general rule, anything over 500 hours is a lot for a 4-stroke jet ski. If it’s a 2-stroke, anything over 300 hours is a lot. But, if properly taken care of, you can go well over these hours.

To know if you have a 4-stroke or a 2-stroke, go here.

A common trend I’m seeing when buying and selling a jet ski is that most people will sell them before 200 hours, and a lot will even sell with under 100 hours on them.

Anything under 100 on it is a good buy and still has a long life left in it, especially if it’s a 4-stroke.

How Long Do Jet Ski Last?

Jet skis, when correctly maintained, can go for more than 1,000 hours and over 20 years.

Parts for 10 Years

Although manufacturers typically produce parts for a span of 10 years, this doesn’t mean that the lifespan is only 10 years.

Rather, it means that after a decade, certain components, such as body parts, might become more difficult to get.

Engine Parts

Engine parts, on the other hand, tend to be available for a longer period since manufacturers do not frequently change these essential components and use them for many models.

In summary, I wouldn’t let engine hours be the only deciding factor when considering a jet ski lifespan. Some might argue that engine hours become less important when other factors are considered.

Why The Hours Don’t Matter:

I’ve made a point in my “factors to consider before buying a used jet ski” that hours don’t matter.

I make this statement based on years of experience buying and selling watercraft, during which I’ve encountered many instances where the hourscount wasn’t the definitive factor in determining it’s value.

I’ve witnessed a jet ski with over 300 hours of operation outperform those with only 20 hours.

Care Matters More

The key point, more than the hours of usage, is the level of care and maintenance the ski got.

When people see jet skis with 300 hours on it, they typically think it’s worn out. However, I think of it as a good signal of an owner who has maintained their watercraft, enabling it to get to those high hours.

Low Hours Can Be Bad

If someone is selling a 10-year-old ski with only 20 hours on it, I begin to question several things. The low hours count suggests that they probably haven’t performed much maintenance on the jet ski, if any at all.

It also implies that they either did not enjoy the jet skis, or there were constant issues with it. You also have the people who simply didn’t drive it much, so there is a lot to consider.

I’ve encountered scenarios where engines failed at just 5 hours, and others where the watercraft had accumulated so many hours that it leaves me puzzled as to how the jet ski is or jet pump still going.

Hours Are Not The Only Factor

All I’m trying to say is that hours are not the end-all-be-all thing to determine a jet ski worth or how long it will last.

The context of how well the owner took care of the PWC and conditions of things like the seat are way better-determining factors.

Should You Buy A PWC Over 300 Hours?

It’s not like as soon as you hit 300 hours, the jet ski won’t work anymore.

Most jet skis have a lot of life left in them after 300 hours, and worth buying if nothing else is wrong with it.

The 300-hour limit is outdated

The 300-hour mark is an old way of thinking, and mostly for 2-stroke jet skis.

Newer 4-strokes are going way beyond 300 hours, often reaching 1,000 hours.


I would have no problem considering a Sea-Doo GTI with 300 hours, but may pause on a Sea-Doo RXT with 300 hours, mostly because the RXT has a supercharger and requires more maintenance.

The lower-HP jet ski do well with more hours as they’re simpler, but the faster jet ski need to be looked at more closely when they get higher hours.

Don’t Forget the Manufacturer or Lack Of

There are only 3 main manufacturers today, Sea-Doo + Yamaha + Kawasaki.

Not In Business Anymore

There was a time when you could get a Honda, Wetbike, Polaris, Tigershark or Arctic Cat.

They don’t manufacturer these machines anymore, so it’s best to avoid them.

It’s not that these are bad machines, but the fact that the manufacturer no longer produces parts for them, and simply not in the business anymore, they’re not worth it.

10 Years

In addition, manufacturers generally design their watercraft to last for about 10 years.

It doesn’t mean that the jet ski will be rendered useless after a decade; instead, this is usually the point when manufacturers stop production of some jet skis parts, like body and custom-to-that-model parts.

If replacement parts are not being made, it makes it more challenging to repair a jet ski if something were to break.

Some Parts Don’t Change Much

However, the good news is that manufacturers don’t change major components. Things like the engine or pump, which are the most crucial parts, don’t change much, and many models today still use the same design from years ago. Since the major parts don’t change often, you can often get over 20 years out of a jet ski.

How To Find The Hours

Figuring out the jet ski operating hours is super easy. In the 90s, many never had an hours meter on them, but those are all 2-strokes, and I don’t recommend buying anything that old.

Your modern 4-Strokes will have hours either displayed on the gauge as soon as you put the key on or revealed when you press the mode button on the jet ski. The button is usually located next to the jet skis gauge, or on the handlebars or right below the handlebars next to the glove box.

Tip: The hours on the gauge can lie… well, the owner can. Some bad people will buy a new gauge to "reset" the hours to make their jet skis seem newer than it is. So if the hours seem too good to be true, then they just might be. The good news is that the hours for your jet ski are not only stored in the gauge, but in other places of the jet skis. To get the accurate hours of the watercraft, you'll need to take it to a dealership and have them read the jet ski's computer. 

How Hours Are Counted:

When the engine is on, the meter is counting.

What you see for hours is engine hours and nothing else.

Even when idling, the hours are being counted, so it’s best to turn the engine off when you have docked. Not only should you do that to save on hours, but it’s not smart to leave the engine running on your jet ski if you’re not riding it.

Engine Hours & Maintenance

When it comes to jet ski engine hours, the best thing they’re good for is telling when you need to service the jet skis.

First 5 Hours

When you get a new jet ski, you’ll want to break the jet skis engine in and take it easy for the first 5 hours. Then you need to get your first service done, which is anywhere from 10 hours to 50 hours depending on your manufacturer.

Every Year or 50 Hours

From that point, you’ll want to get it serviced every 50 hours or once a year.

Your modern watercraft have service timers built in, just like cars; so you’ll get the alerts for service for when they’re due. But for older watercraft, you’ll have to pay attention to the hours meter to know when you need to service the jet ski.


On top of that, specific components like the supercharger need servicing every 100 or 200 hours.

Every manufacturer and model is different, but your owner’s manual will tell you what components need to be replaced at certain hours.



I started working at a power sports dealership in 2007, I worked in parts, service counter, and as a technician before moving to sales in 2013. I created in 2014 to answer common watercraft questions I would get from people. Now managing the site full-time, I continue to provide advice and web tools for my readers about watercraft. I've owned several watercraft, with a Sea-Doo Spark as my current main PWC.

202 thoughts on “Jet Ski Engine Hours – What Is Too Many and What They Mean”

  1. Hi Steve.
    Love this article as well as the q and a.
    Never owned a watercraft but am looking to get into the water. Looking at pair of 2005 SeaDoo GTX 155 with 300 hrs on each. Comes with trailer and gear for $15,000.
    They are 4 stroke non turbo non supercharged.
    Look to be well maintained but scared of 19 year old machines
    Any thoughts would be awesome.

    • Great machines, 300 hours is nothing for that engine, but it’s hard believe they’re about to be 20 years old. Going off my tool for used values ( they seem to be way too expensive. Even if they were clean and perfect, I would be hard to go over $10k USD for that deal with a trailer. I feel you could find something newer for that price they want.

  2. Hi Steven. Looking at Sea Doo 2013 Gti 155 se. 40 hours. Price is at $10000 in AUD. Buying from a family. Presents well looked after and low hours. Does low hours ever become a problem due to a lack of use? This will be our first family ski. What do you think?

  3. Steven I’m looking at purchasing a 2005 Seadoo rxt 215 Supercharged. They want 3000 but I’m going to offer 2500 it’s at a motorcycle dealership but they don’t know how many hours are on it? They say they went over it and took it out in the water but I’ve always been told not to buy unless you see it and drive it? Your help would be greatly appreciated

  4. Steven:
    I’m looking to sell my 2018 SeaDoo GTI Limited 155 and an iMove extended, single, aluminum trailer. I purchased it new, kept it in the garage, and had fun with it every summer. It has 78 hours on it. And, I just had an oil change, tune-up, new spark plugs, and a new battery installed. The dealership offered me $5,500.00. I think that is kind of low, but they are going to resale it. If I sell it, what should be my asking price?

  5. Hey Steven,

    Great article! That being said, what would your advice be on a 2017 yamaha EX deluxe with 400 hours on it? Yes it’s high. But the ski and maintenance check out. He wants $4500. Worth the risk on that model? Thanks!

      • Hey Steven,
        I agree great article
        Can you help me if this is a good deal or too expensive:

        “2009 Yamaha Vx110, 3 person capacity. 317 hours. Runs great. Just not used anymore. We had it serviced every spring as well as winterized every winter. Trailer is negotiable.”

        Picture of it looks great. Asking $6350

        Look forward to hearing your response
        Thank you

      • Steven I need help, I’m really interested in this 2015 Kawasaki ultra 310x see but it’s got 239 hours. All the services have been checked and are good and the supercharger has been serviced as well. They are wanting 7500 and I’m a guy that’s always looking to get something for less is that a decent price for it or you think I’m able to get less?

  6. Hi. First time buyer here. My dad is selling his 2005 Yamaha FX HO but it has 300 hours on it. He his the second owner and has all the maintenance records and has been well taken care of. Should I be worried about the hours? What price range would you say is reasonable for this make and model?


  7. Hi Steve, we are new to jet ski’s and are looking to buy our first used pair break us in to the sport. Our neighbor is selling these but i’m concerned about the hours. 900 hours is way high right?? They are a middle aged couple that are original owners and purchased them up north and rode on the lake. He say’s no salt water until 3 months ago when they moved here to florida. He says they have been very well taken care of, and has maint. logs. It was just he and his wife, retired, and all they did was jet around on the lake. No craziness but if tuned I can’t imaging they didn’t like their speed! Should I be worried about the hours? I realize will be a stepping stone ski for short term. He’s selling them to us for $9,500 with trailer instead of $11k as in the add… ( See below ). They have since purchased new ski’s and these are just sitting in their garage now not being used.
    ” Selling 2 Seadoo GTI pro 130. These have been tuned to be more like a 170hp by Racelabs in GA. 900 hours each. Run great and have seen top speeds of 58 mph. Trailer included but not the one in the pic. $11,000 for all. Both have IBR braking and reverse. Bilge pumps installed in both skis.” What should I do?

    • 900 hours on a 2019 is simply impressive, usually only see that on rental machines. They had to be driving them every single day. I don’t like how he’s said he’s tuned them and worries me a bit, especially since that kind of thing can void their warranty. The price is very nice, but know if you buy them, you will have a hard time re-selling with that many hours if you want to upgrade later. The GTI models are great machines, I would check the carbon seal, look in the hull for any black dust around the driveshaft, but other than that and the high hours they’re great models.

  8. Hi Steve, I have been following your blogs they have been great. I’m looking at a 2017 seadoo GTI SE 130 with 45hr and a 2019 seadoo GTI SE 130 with 15 hrs. They have been parked in a garage covered. I’m a first time jetki buyer is there anything I should know or do before and after I pull the trigger. They are asking $18500 for both including the double trailer.

    • I would check the carbon ring, look inside the hull for any black dust around where the driveshaft meets the hull, a lot of black dust is bad. I would also back it into the water with the drain plugs in and check to see if it’s taking in water around that area too. Other than that, GTIs are great machines and those are very low hours for that model.

  9. Hi Steve, great info. I’m looking at a listing for a 2018 Sea Doo GTI 130 SE (with IBR) and Trailer. It has 295 hrs on it. This seems like a lot of hours for a 2018 model. Asking $6000. What should I know about it, or ask, to make sure it is worthwhile? I would need to drive 4 hours to see it. Thanks much

    • I would worry about the carbon seal on that year model. Look for black soot inside the engine compartment near the driveshaft. Otherwise, the GTI’s are great machines.

  10. I am looking at a 2018 Yamaha GP1800 with 190 hours on it. What are your thoughts? 4 stroke. Brand new supercharger clutch. Good compression. Well taken care of. Hours at level of concern?

  11. Hi 2006 rxp 215 original 49 hours . bought not knowing about super charger maintenance has been sitting its entire life in garage … Should I be worried now that I purchased it about supercharger failure before 100 hour rebuild

  12. Firstly, thanks heaps for writing this article. It’s been very helpful as it’s my first time trying to buy a used jetski and is reassuring to read.

    Can you please give me a little advice on the model I’m looking at? I’m considering a 2006 Honda 12X (not turbo) with 289hours, mostly used for fishing apparently. It’s only $3750AUD which is in our budget and within our location. It’s 5 hours to the next major city. The problem I have is we live in a rural town without a marine mechanic. I’ve organised a mobile mechanic to come and do a compression test for me and a general look over, but that’s the best I can do without a 3hr round trip to a dealer which is a bit of an ask. Can you please give me some tips on specific issues to look out for on a Honda 12x?

    • The biggest problem you’re going to run into with a Honda jet ski is that they don’t make them anymore and haven’t since 2009. Parts will be harder to find for them, especially since they did not make many of them to begin with. It’s a bit risky to buy a Honda jet ski if you don’t intend to do the repairs yourself. I have more on the Honda saga here:

  13. Hey Steve, looking to buy a 2005 sea Doo rxt 215 for about $2,500. Has 240 hrs and from the video sounds pretty good. Anything that I should specifically look for on this ski for wear and tear with the supercharger or other costly fixes. Compression test was 145/145/125 done by the seller.


    • Those compression numbers are not right. 145 is high for a supercharged engine, 125 is around where it should be, and overall you have cylinders that are 15% difference. Along with that model having supercharger problems, I would pass on this one.

  14. Hi Steven, I’m l bought a 2010 gti 130
    For $4500 the mechanic selling it is “trustable” have done work in my uncle’s boat and it’s well known by a lot of ppl around here, the jet ski has 455 hours on it which worries me a little but the guy said it’s been well maintained by the previous owner which used to do the maintenance with him as well (the mechanic) the jet ski engine looks really clean and everything in the engine area actually looks to be well maintained,
    I took it for a spin before I bought everything worked fine (when the mechanic was there with me) then I took it home and next day brought it to the lake and after riding for less then 30 min the oil alarm went off and it would run on idle pretty much, turned it off turned it back on and alarm stopped but once you open the throttle same thing happened again, I searched about that issue and found some ppl in the same situation and figured that this problem is caused by a oil pressure sensor, told the mechanic he’s open to fix it for me or give me my money back, what do you recommend? Like I said only thing that worries me the most is the hours (455) but the jet ski actually looks very well maintained.

    Hope you can help me with that !!

    It also has 2 regular keys and a learning key

    Thanks Steven !!

    • On that model, I would have him replace both oil pressure sensors. It’s not uncommon for one or both oil pressure sensor just to randomly fail on that 4-tec engine, it’s happened to me several times when I sold a used jet ski, it’s just the luck of the draw. It’s not a huge deal and not something that I would want my money back on, the 2006 and up GTI’s are the best models Sea-Doo has made, and I would not be so easy to give it up if the only thing wrong with it is needing new oil pressure sensors. As for hours, it’s high, but it is also a 12 year old jet ski, so it’s within what I consider okay for its age. I’ve seen rental companies put over 800 hours on the GTI 4-tec engine and still go strong. And if it’s the blue 2010 GTI SE you’re not going to find a better color, that color just looks amazing in person, it used to be the luxury color back in 2008 for the GTX limited.

  15. Hi Steve, I came across your site when researching what ti look for in a used PWC. I am currently looking at two either 2019 or 2020 Kawasaki STX-15F with 327 hours on them. They look clean and well maintained. The hours have me concerned, but wanted to get your opinion if you’d be open to responding. Thank you in advance!

  16. Looking at a 2013 sea doo gti se 155 with 336 hours. Looks well maintained. They are asking for 10k, no trailer.

    Appreciate you opinion

    • Avoid any Sea-Doo that ends in “DI” or “RFI”, those 2-strokes are a nightmare to deal with. It’s like they’re cursed!

      • First hand knowledge, I had two 2004 Sea-Doo GTI RFI’s. Absolute nightmare. Once they get over 200 hours you are replacing things all the time. Do not get this type of Jetski.

  17. Morning Steven! Extremely grateful to have found this site, thank you for all that you do. I recently found (2) 2007 Sea Doo GTI SE 4-TECs along with a side by side Zieman trailer for under just $14K. They have 130 & 132 hrs respectably, thoughts on this being a great starter for a family of 5-6? Appreciate you and thank you again!

    • Those are great machines, and 130 hours is nothing for that engine. I’m assuming it’s the 130HP version, if so that price is a little high. If it’s the 155HP, then that price is just right with a double trailer. Great machine for a beginner and a family, this model of GTI always sold fast and with such low hours, I personally would be all over those machines.

  18. what do you do with jet skiis and trailers that have exceed the recommended hours and are unwanted. Is there a recycle option or a place that we can donate for them to be fixed and sold to benefit a charity?

    • I don’t know of any charity options, but many dealerships that get in jet skis too old or not worth selling have wholesalers come in and take them to sell the parts. As for the trailers, someone is always looking to buy them even if they’re old and worn out. Often, the jet ski trailer is of more value than the old jet ski.

  19. Hi Steve – I’m selling a 2006 Yamaha VX Sport 1100 (4-Stroke) with 98 hours. I’ve had the ski for 8 years and have kept up on maintenance (oil changes, tune-ups, Stabil, flushes, Fluid Film, etc.) It’s on a double jetski trailer that needs a little work (both winch posts could use replacement). It’s in really good cosmetic shape for its age, with only minimal bottom scrape and zero hull damage above the waterline. I’m selling it to a friend for $3000 – is that a good deal for both parties? The ski has been bullet-proof for me and I’m confident it has many, many hours of life left in it. Thanks in advance!

  20. Hi Steve. I’m looking at 2 2019 Yamaha VX with trailer for around $12k both have 500 hrs!! They were well maintained but used by a tour guide company! Those hours really concern me but are within my budget ! Thoughts?

    • That is high hours but the VX is a good machine and can go for much longer than that. The price has me wondering, NADA has just one 2019 VX for about $11k with no trailers and low hours. To get two of them with a double trailer for $12k seems too good to be true even with those hours.

  21. Hi Steve great info thank you 👍
    I’m looking at 2 -2005 Yamaha fox cruiser and a trailer both have about 207 hours Both are 4 stroke and look to be in good shape, is 9500 a good deal for these ski or are they to old

    • NADA has them for about $6500 each, plus a double trailer I would expect it to be total around $12k to $14k depending on the condition. So getting all that for $9,500 is quite a deal, make sure to get them checked out first or at least test ride them as it seems too good to be true.

      • Thank you Steven, you say I should check the compression in each cylinder, if it’s over 100 and each cylinder is close in compression, What is good compression for these skis, can I get a compression tester at the auto store ?

        Do you think these 2020, 2021, and 2022 Seadoo Spark Trixx are a good ski, I’ve been riding skis for about 5 years, live on the river and not sure I will like these based on different views and won’t get board with speed ?
        Thoughts ?

        • Non-supercharged should be over 160PSI, if it’s under 100PSI then that is bad. Supercharged engines do run lower compression, around 125PSI. You want each cylinder to be close to each other. Any auto parts store will have compression tester kits. There are several videos on YouTube on how to check compression on a jet ski.

          I think the Sparks and the Trixx versions are great, I own a Spark myself. The only downside is that they’re not as comfortable as the bigger machines but they are a lot more playful though.

  22. I’m looking at a 2002 with 50 Hrs and a 2000 with 145 Hrs. Should I be cautious of anything here? Both are Sea Doo GTX Bombardiers. Thanks.

    • The 2000 model would be a 2-stroke for sure, but the 2002 has a possibility of being a 4-stroke. My opinion is to avoid any 2-strokes as they don’t make most parts for them anymore, the last 2-stroke Sea-Doo made was in 2007, and the parts for it are hard to come by these days. Stick with 4-strokes, especially non-supercharged models. And if the 2-strokes say “DI” or “RFI” in the name, avoid them at all cost.

  23. Just bought a 2019 GTI 130 se with 112hrs on it. Was well maintained as far as I know. Sea-doo and trailer came to 9k. Do you think I’m safe as long as it’s been well kept???

    • You should be fine, the 130HP is one of the best engines Sea-Doo has ever made. It’s also a great starter jet ski and those hours are nothing for that engine.

  24. I saw this ad
    “Well maintained 2008 Seadoo GTI with brand new 2021 trailer for sale. This thing hauls at around 75km/h with its 1500CC 130HP 4 stroke engine. Forget about rebuilding superchargers, this engine is extremely reliable, as the GTI is trusted by water safety companies all over the world! Engine was serviced with a fresh oil change, and is ready to hit the waves!
    There are just over 800 hours on this machine – but these engines go well into the 3000s when maintained like this.”

    Is this worth pursuing at $6500 CDN?

    • That is one of the best engines Sea-Doo has ever made but those are high hours for even that engine. This is a tough one, maybe if it was $1k less but hard to say without seeing it in person.

  25. Hi Steve, I’m not sure if you still respond to this post, but I’m looking at a 2015 SeaDoo RXTX 260 and a 2008 Honda Aquatrax F12 for $10,000. The listing says that they both have 200 hours on them. It comes with an extended ShoreLand’r trailer, The RXTX has received a Riva Racing hull through exhaust, solar stainless steel prop, and fizzle intercooler. My worry is that neither are going to have been properly maintained. Is there still time to save the Supercharger on the RXTX if it has not been serviced?. The RXTX also has traction mats cut and wrapped over the sides of the gunnels?. I don’t know if thats to hide damage? or if they thought it looked cool? There’s also what looks like a piece of the sponsons on the right side of the RXTX chipped off?. the black trim and some of the paint towards the front of the machine is sun-bleached. The listing does not have a picture of the engine bay either. I just wanted to see someone that’s more experienced on the used market opinion, what are your thoughts on this?

    • It sounds to me like the RXT-X was ridden hard (treated like a racing machine) and would be something I would move on from especially because I never like the through-hull exhaust, especially if you live on the lake the only thing that will do is make your neighbors angry. Also, Honda doesn’t make jet skis anymore so parts will be hard to find for the Aquatrax and not worth it in my opinion.

    • Is that $8k for both and a trailer or per machine? If $8k for everything then that is too good to be true, but if it’s per machine then that is normal. 2020 and 2021 seasons were a madhouse and used jet ski prices were going for high value which makes me question this deal. I would get a second tech to look at both in person.

  26. Hi Steven

    Looking at a 2014 Sea Doo GTI 130 with 240 hours. Comes with trailer and cover. Mechanic says it is in good shape. Used at Lake of Ozarks, so big lake. What do you think? Thanks for any advice.

  27. Hi Steven, Great information. I am looking at a 2020 RXTX 300. The machine has 140 hours on it which makes me worried. Is there anything I should be looking for on a newer machine with that many hours. They want $13,775 for it with trailer. Is that a good deal? Thank you!

    • That is a lot of hours but it does show he really liked it. At 200 hours the supercharger will need to be inspected so something to keep in mind. Since it’s so new I would get the VIN and call the local dealer to see if there are any open recalls or bulletins on that model. That price is super fair in this market, especially with a trailer.

  28. Hi Steven, I have found these 2 Skis even though they are 2003 models what do you think they sound ok to me?
    2 x 2003 SeaDoo GTX 4-Tech 185 Supercharged Jet Skis. Terrifically well looked after and come with a range of spare parts if purchased together.
    One has a fully rebuilt motor with 2 hours on it! Just run in! Still under warranty! Rebuilt Supercharger, new battery. Incredible condition for its age. Full mechanical history available.
    Number 2 has just had the valves replaced, also still under warranty. Excellent condition, Rebuilt Supercharger also. Trailers and Skis are registered.
    Kind Regards,

    • Sounds sweet to me. One with a rebuilt engine, kind of worries as to why it was rebuilt, but still, it’s rebuilt. The superchargers being rebuilt lately is good too. If you can get it for a fair price then go for it. Do keep in mind they’re over 18 years old, that is old for a jet ski, but it’s the Sea-Doo 4-tec engine so it’s a good engine.

  29. Hi Steven,

    I am looking at a combo deal of a 2006 Kawasaki STX-12F with a little over 100 hours and a 2013 SeaDoo RXT-X with around 100 hours as well. Though was told the supercharger was not rebuilt and they don’t see the need. Comes with 2015 double trailer. I was able to negotiate down to $11,500 for all. Do you think it’s a good deal? Anything to watch out for other than the supercharger?

    • Me personally, I would get the supercharger rebuilt at least every 100 hours. The manual says 200 hours for that model, but the safer bet is every 100 hours. What’s impressive is that you got two jet skis with a trailer for $11,500 in this market. I’m seeing people pay that much just for one Sea-Doo with a trailer. That’s a good deal if everything checks out.

  30. Hi Steven.

    2018 Seadoo GTR230, 55 hours with trailer, $11,000

    2020 Seadoo Spark, 28 hours with trailer, $8,000

    2008 Seadoo Rxp 215, 30 hours with trailer, $6,500

    It will be my first jet ski though I’ve ridden others before. I really care about best value, keeping value, fun value and then speed as they all tend to have similar top speeds. Do you know the fuel consumption for cruising on all ski’s?

    Thank you for the great website.

    • Speed and value would be the 2018 GTR 230. The GTR is the only one with ECO mode that gives you good gas mileage but if all you care about is gas mileage the Spark will be the one to go with but you give up a lot on comfort and speed compared to the GTR.

  31. Thank you for the great information Steven!

    I am looking at a 2008 Sea-Doo RXT 215 with 64 hours on it. Comes with a 2008 Triton trailer, all for $6,500. The current owner says they’ve had it for 5 years and they purchased it from good friend prior who took very good care of it. In the pictures it does look very nice for the year. Supposedly serviced every year and new battery installed recently.

    I’m cautious of the superchargers on these as I’ve heard they sometimes don’t last. What are your thoughts on the deal and the all around about the ski? Thank you in advance you are doing us all a favor.

    • I would for sure get a 2008 RXT 215 supercharger looked at before buying or see when it was serviced. If it’s been over 2 years since the supercharger was serviced I would go ahead and get it done.

  32. Hi Steven,

    I’m looking at 2 2016 Yamaha VX w/galvanized trailer for $14,000. Hours in the 70’s on one and 80’s on the other. Some salt water use but not much. It sounds like your’ a VX fan. Is $14K in the right range for these?

    • With the way the market is now that is a great deal on two 2016 VX with a trailer. Those hours are quite low for that model too. Sounds like you found a good one if it checks out.

  33. Hi Steven,

    Someone is selling a 2007 GTI SE 130 and a 155, each with under 10 (ten) hours on them. Said they were stored for years without use but did put two hours on them this year with a new battery. Selling em for $7,500 each. What are your thoughts? They’re rather old but look to be in great, like new condition and so little hours. Should I be looking for something? We are new to the PWC, but my Uncle always loved his sea doos. Thanks!!

    • That’s a rare find, 10 hours is unusual. The 2007 GTI’s were great in both engines and nothing really stands out. Since the hours are so unusual I would see if you can take it to a dealership and have them hook it up to the computer to read the hours just to make sure they didn’t swap out the gauge and it’s reading wrong. The true hours will be reported on the Tech’s computer.

      • Thanks so much. So, if the hours check out, with a like-new trailer but no cover, is $8,000 ok? Seems a middle aged couple bought it new and then he had some medical issues. Thanks again, Steven

        • $8k each is a little high but right now all jet skis are priced high. If the hours do check out and they run fine you found a gem for sure.

  34. Hi Steven-

    I am looking at two 2006 Yamaha vx110’s. One is a sport, the other is a deluxe. They each have around 300 hours. With trailer for 8k. It seems like a fair deal and both have had annual oil changes. I am just wondering if it makes sense to buy a 15 year old PWC with 300 hours?


    • The VX has always been a good jet ski and one of Yamaha’s most reliable. Prices are high right now due to current events but you can’t go wrong with this machine if they check out fine. 300 Hours for a VX is quite low, it can go well beyond that.

  35. Great site and awesome information. looking at a 2006 gtx sc with 345 hrs. with sc rebuild at 293 hours on double trailer for $4200. what do you think about this? thank you

    • It’s a great riding jet ski for its time and the thing that is going to give you the most trouble will be the supercharger. That model did not have fuel-saving features so it will consume more gas than other jet skis made after 2010 with similar engine. The double trailer is a huge win, those always hold their value in the used market as everyone is looking for one. The price doesn’t seem too crazy in this current market. I would get it checked out especially the supercharger by a tech as those 215 engines were the ones that had the most issues during that time with the superchargers failing.

  36. Hi Steven

    I am looking at a 2004 Polaris virage that comes with a trailer and has 80 hours on it. He is currently asking $3,000 for it. Is this a good buy or no? Are there things I should be looking for? This is our first time looking at buying a jet ski so we need to know if we are doing the right thing. Thank you

  37. Hi Steven. I’m considering buying a 2013 Sea-Doo GTX S155, with 57 hours and a trailer for $9K. I’m interested in your opinion of this machine in general and if you think this is a fair price. Thank you in advance for your feedback.

    • The S model was the simple suspension model and did not have much trouble. It does ride top-heavy due to the suspension but it is a nice ride. The price is a little high but everything right now is high but those hours are really good. Plus it has the best engine Sea-Doo ever made, you can’t go wrong.

  38. Hi there, I recently purchased a 2013 gti 155 limited for $7500 with trailer. GTI had 75 hours on it. I took it in had it serviced right away and there were a few very minor issues. The ski runs great, now at 81 hours. Are the 2013 gti 155 limited reliable? The mechanic opened it up and was shocked that it was so clean. He said it looked brand new and did not appear to be ridden in salt.

    • Yes, the GTI 155 was a great machine and that is one of Sea-Doo’s best engines. That is also very few hours for that machine too. You may have found a gem!

  39. Hi Steven,

    Amazing article thank you! New to the sport hit after renting for the past year and a half I’m wanting to make a purchase. What are your thoughts on 2 2018 VX Crusiers with 260 hours including the double trailer. They’ve been well serviced and look very clean. Is it worth lake testing or is this not a good buy based upon how many hours they have already in such a short timeframe. I appreciate your help!


  40. Just found this article hoping it is still active. Great read! Looking to buy 1st ski (experienced rider). Found 19 VX Cruiser HO with 120hrs. Selling for 9950. Curious your thoughts. Trailer not included.

    • The way the market is going this year and last that price seems like a fair deal to me. The hours are a little high for what I like to see for a 2-year old jet ski but for a VX it can handle it just fine. I have a guide here that breaks down the price and what to watch out for when buying a used jet ski.

  41. I am new to the PWC arena. I am looking for new or used equipment. I live in NO. Cal on the Delta and all dealers are sold out of new product and the used equipment is priced crazy $$$. I was told that for every hour on a PWC, maintenance cost $100 per hour. That number seems quite High. Any comment on upkeep costs? Next question , if 4 stroke engine lasts 500 hours, how much does it costs to rebuild the engine and is it worth it? Thanks for the response and this is a great site. been looking for a site like this for a few months now.

    • Due to current events manufacturers are having a hard time getting units made and shipped. This has caused the used market to skyrocket in price because there is only used stuff. I’ve never heard of a jet ski costing $100 per hour you put on it, you could be confusing the labor rate that many repair shops have which is around $100. So if you need to fix something and it takes the dealership 1 hour in labor to fix it then it would $100 in labor cost plus the cost of the parts. Ideally, you should do a service every 50 hours or once a year which can cost anywhere from $200 to $500 depending on what you need. The average person puts 30 hours a year on a jet ski so you’re looking at about $200 to $500 a year maintenance cost. A 4-stroke jet ski engine can last longer than 500 hours, it’s just that 500 hours is considered a lot of hours (it would be like 500,000 miles on a car). I’ve seen them go well beyond 1000 hours, it’s all about how well you take care of it. If the average person puts 30 hours a year on a jet ski it would take over 16 years to get to 500 hours and at that point, parts start to get harder to find, and why I tend to avoid jet skis that old.

  42. Hi Steven – great article. Looking to purchase a 2008 Yamaha Waverunner VX 110 Sport, for $3300. It was part of a rental fleet, synthetic oil changes every 50 hours. Has some minor flaws but otherwise good condition. Has 800 hours on it. I am concerned about the hours, what are your thoughts?

    • That’s a lot of hours for any jet ski but the VX can handle it. To me, the price is really good especially in this market right now but rental jet skis are rode the hardest of all jet skis. At that price, I would probably get it and understand I might not be able to sell it for much later or expect it to last too long. It would be a great starter jet ski that is for sure.

  43. Hi Steve, I’m looking at a 2019 kawasaki stx 15f with a trailer and cover for $11,000. The ski has 61 hours and has been winterized and serviced every year. Just wanted your opinion on this particular model of jet ski and how reliable it is. And does this seem like a fair price? Thanks

    • It’s a great jet ski but that price is a little high but all jet skis are high due to current events. The hours I would say are spot on and have many more to come. You can’t go wrong with it.

    • That is really low hours for that type of Sea-Doo. It’s priced a little high but right now the market is booming especially as the riding season is here.

  44. Hi Steven,
    I am considering a 2014 Yamaha VX110 Sport with a trailer at the price of $4500. The boat shop that picked it up is currently servicing it inside and out. (hose lines, SS clamps, seat cover, traction mats, body and hull buffed and painted, and not sure about the engine) It runs well and looks like a new ski although it has around 720 hours. This is my first ski and I would like to use it for just the summer and resell for around 2/3k. What do you think?

    • 720 is a lot of hours for a 2014 model. Sounds like a rental model especially if they’re putting that much bodywork in it. I would personally not be looking at it.

  45. Hello. Great site. 2003 seadoo gtx 155 4 tech. Has 135 hours. Has all service records. I know the hours are good. Comes with trailer. Good shape ski. Only issue is year. Thoughts? Price is 3100. Price is good but kinda an older ski.


    • The 2002 models had a few issues as it was the first year Sea-Doo had a 4-stroke but the 2003 and 2004 were fine. Nothing crazy to write home about and I think the 155 is the best engine Sea-Doo ever made. OPAS on something that old can be an issue, it’s the fins in the rear. Also, I had a few models in this range develop a clicking issue and would deplete the battery. There is a value that flips if the ski thinks it’s upside down but would get confused and flip it all the time. The only fix was to replace the ECM which is not cheap. Other than that it’s a great machine.

    • I think the 155HP Sea-Doo engine is one of the best engines they ever made. They had a rough time when it first came out in 2002 but 2004 and up were always good to me. Prices are going to be high right now due to current events and going into season at least here in the US.

  46. Hi Steve, I’m looking at a 2006 kawasaki stx-15f with only 46 hours on the original engine. He is asking $6,000 with a single trailer. Just wanted to see what your thoughts are on that model jet ski?

    • Kawasaki hasn’t changed much on that machine and those hours are really low, that kind of worries me but it’s a solid machine either way. I would get it checked out or at least do a test ride, that’s low hours. It makes me wonder why he did not ride it much? Was there something always wrong with it?

  47. In Northern California, looking at two 2013 Sea-doo gti 130’s w/traileristed at $12.9k. They have between 60-70 hours each and are at a car lot. The story is the guy is always buying stuff like that to do with his kids and all they want to do is play video games so they just sit. I think the price is a little high.

    • With the current market that is a fair price and those hours are very low too. I would still check them out to make sure they run fine but I would not be surprised if a lot of people are already looking at them.

  48. Hi Steven, I’m looking at a 2005 seadoo RXT 215 with 312 hours and single owner. He is asking $2,500. This would be my first purchase of a jet ski and I just want to make sure this is a fair price? Also is this a good/reliable jet ski? Thanks

    • That model has the supercharger issues back in the day. It’s mostly fine if he’s done the proper maintenance on it but when you own it you’ll want to get the supercharger rebuilt every 100 hours or every 2 years whichever comes first. That model you don’t want to miss the supercharger maintenance.

  49. Great info here, learning a lot!!
    I am on Maui and looking at a 2016 FX HO with 155 hrs. Well maintained, but used mostly for tow-in surfing in high surf.
    Ask is 12K, but will sell for 11K with trailer and rescue sled.
    What should I be looking for in a 5 year old salt water only?
    Everything is pricey here, is this way out of line?
    Mahalo for the info and advice!


    • Check for corrosion and if you can water test it. Pricing is going to be high, even new jet skis are hard to come by. I would take that deal if everything looks good as it’s going to be a crazy summer.

  50. I’ve a 2004 yamaha GP 1300R with 20hrs from new its now 17yrs old , its been stored in a Heated Garage and winterised, it runs like a clock ive only rode it possibly 5 times , love it people just call around to see it because its like a Barn find ? id say its worth more than I bought it new?

  51. Hi. I’m looking at two Yamaha VX Deluxe models. A 2009 with 141 hours on it for $6250 ($6750 asking but came down) or a 2013 with 179 hours on it for $8000. I have not made an offer on the 2013 yet. Both come with a trailer. Different sellers. 1) what do you think about the price of the 2009? 2) what would a good price be for the 2013? 3) which do you think would be better to buy? Thank you.

    • Price is going to be tough this time of year and with the way the market is going. I’m shocked he went down that much, to be honest. I created a new guide that helps people get a good idea on what to pay for a used jet ski here.

      The VX lineup is one of the most reliable models Yamaha made so you can’t go wrong with either. I would lean more towards the 2013 as it is newer. Also, around that time Yamaha had some models with timing chain issues, just something to be aware of.

  52. What a helpful site! I’m looking at two Sea Doo Spark Trixx 2ups (both 2017’s) both with ~50 hours on them.

    Asking price is $18,500 and comes with a Triton Double Trailer as well. It seems a little high but could just be due to crazy demand and lack of new jet skis available in the area? Anyway, would be interested to hear thoughts. Thanks!

    • Demand is huge right now but that price just seems a little high. Is that USD? This could be possible if he added a bunch of accessories and upgrades. For a couple of grand more, you could probably find a dealer willing to sell you two new Trixx and a double.

  53. Great site! Looking at two 2012 Seadoo Wake editions. One has 400 hrs the other 270. Selling for $10k with trailer.. Thoughts?

  54. Sea Doo GTR 215 vs GTI 130? Is 130 hours too many? Wanting it to tow wakeboard etc..? Buying second hand, want a reliable ski. Or should I be going for a Yamaha

  55. Hi Steven, I’ve been looking at a 2007 Yamaha VX Deluxe. It has 210 hours on it and was never driven in salt water. He just had the jet pump rebuilt in 2019 He says the motors have seen 800 hours. Is this true and is this a good buy??

  56. Hi Steven, I’m looking at Sea Doo GTX 215 Supercharged in very good condition,with a few scratch’s on the bottom of the hull. Has done 158hrs
    Last serviced in Dec 2020- New plugs, starter solenoid, wear ring, oil pack.
    Alluminium trailer with new springs, bearings and sumersible lights. Will have new WOF, Rego expires Dec 2021 Road cover.
    The previous owner had done the supercharger at 100hrs. . He had steel discs put in.
    They are asking 10000 new zealand dollars approx $7,200 USD.
    Any thoughts appreciated
    thanks Ayv

    • I would error on the side of caution and get the supercharger service again. The 215 engine was the pesky one about the superchargers especially the 2006 to 2009 models.

  57. Hey Steven,
    I’m looking at twin 2007 Honda Aquatrax F12 for sale with 184 and 196 hours. The twin trailer is included and the asking price is $7900.00. What are your thoughts?

  58. Hi Steven, I found an offer for a Seadoo GTI SE 155 2011 with around 50 hours (it seems a good deal including trailer), on the other hand there’s a demo GT 130 2020 from the dealership with around 50 hours as well but price does not includes trailer. New one is 50% pricier than used one. Any suggestions?

  59. I am looking at a 2008 yamaha vx110 with 298 hours and a trailer. The ski is pretty scatched up, the owner is asking 3k? Would this be a good buy.

    • If the scratches are showing the white fiberglass underneath and especially if it’s on the underside of the hull I would be less likely to buy it. The price is not too far off but fiberglass damage can be an issue as it will spread if not fixed.

  60. Hello.

    I really appreciate your posts. I am moving to seaside and am buying two PWC for me and my wife (it will be in use a lot so am looking for reasonable maintance cost). I read that the most reliable is Yamaha VXS because is non charged. Here in EU is one selling for 8000€ with trailor it is 2011 year with 295 hours (1st owner in family use and well maintance) on the other hand the new VX-C 2019 is selling for 10600€. So is really VXS that better that is worth spending 8000€ for 9years old PWC with almost 300h?
    Than there is also one selling VX 1100 2008 year with 275 hours, first owner, well maintance for 4500€ with trailor.

    Thank you very much for your answers.

    Best regards,


    • The EU might be suffering the same problem as the US with everyone being home which made everyone want a jet ski so it drove prices high. I’ve seen used jet skis in 2020 sell for well over what I would normally pay for them but the demand is there. You’ll for sure want to avoid a supercharger model if you want to get the most life out of your jet ski. The VX-C is a very entry-level machine and the VXS was not back in the day. The VX-C doesn’t have reverse and it’s mostly rental companies that buy them and since yours is a 2019 I have a good feeling it’s a rental company trying to get rid of it. I steer away from rental units as they’re ridden hard by people who really don’t know how to drive them, this is especially true for ones that lack reverse. Since there was such a boom in 2020 with new and used jet skis I would personally wait till 2021 to see if the market becomes flooded with used jet skis that people are trying to get rid of.

  61. My 2011 yamaha vx deluxe has 922 hours. It was a rental with over 800 hours when I bought it in 2015. I paid way too much for it in my opnion. $4000 for the ski and trailer. That said it still runs and never gives any trouble. I just plan to ride it till it quits.

  62. Hi there, I am on a market for Yamaha VX or FX cruiser. I found a 2018 Yamaha VX cruiser with 280h on it, still under the warranty. It was used as a rental, according to the owner new jet pump was installed. He would sell it for $6000 (no trailer). I like that it’s still under the warranty but I am afraid to pull a trigger on it since it has almost 300h on it. What are your thoughts, is a jet ski like this worth taking a gamble on it or should I pass on it because of the hours.
    Best regards!

    • I usually avoid rental models because they’re ridden hard and often by people who never ridden jet skis before. Also, the high hours makes it harder for you later to sell the watercraft later, and too high of hours can affect warranty items. It’s like how cars have a warranty for 3 years 36k miles, it similar to jet skis too.

      • I’ll take a crack and see if you’re still reading through these…
        2006 SeaDoo GTI SE with just over 200 hours on it. Guy is asking just under $7k (trailer included) which seems pretty high. Any thoughts?

        • That sure is high but a lot of jet skis are overpriced right now due to current events. Just to give you an idea that Sea-Doo retailed starting at $8400 new and with a trailer he would be right under $10k OTD back in 2006. To only lose $3k on a 15 year old jet ski is crazy. I sold a 2007 GTI SE back in 2015 for around $5k, prices are really crazy. Otherwise, it’s a solid jet ski and 200 hours is nothing for that engine. I would still test ride it to make sure it runs fine.

  63. Hi there, our family is new to the PWC world. We recently rented a pair of Yamaha VX Deluxe’s at our nearby boat club and HAD A BLAST! Now we have waverunner fever and are on the hunt. I found a pair of Yamaha FX SHO’s from 2009 and 2010 with 90 and 68 hours on them. Seller advertises that the skis and trailer have been kept in a conditioned warehouse (I’m guessing a storage unit) and that he has all maintenance records from the Yamaha dealer. One owner. We talked to the sales rep about new units and we have our eye on 2021 Yamaha VX Cruiser HO’s (which should be revealed by Yamaha tomorrow). How would these skis compare? Seller is asking $16,500 for the 2 skis and trailer. Is this something I should jump on or wait to buy new in the next few weeks? Should I ask the seller of the used skis if we can test drive them? Thanks for any info you can help us with!! Sales rep says new Cruisers with trailer would run us around $32K out the door. This is half price…which is VERY inviting!! Just not sure about buying used. Hubby is worried about taking on someone else’s problems.

    • The body from 2009 would be very similar to the VX body today. All jet skis keep getting bigger and bigger, what was luxury 10 years ago is recreational today. The FX SHO will for sure be more powerful and the price is quite nice as new and used jet skis in 2020 sold like crazy. I would not expect the official 2021 to be shipped until December at the earliest (we had a few 2021 released but they were just 2020 with a 2021 sticker). If you got to have them now the used ones will be what you want. Just make sure to lake test them and watch for scammers, the word “warehouse” always worries. I guess I had too many bad experiences when people use that word, it was usually too good to be true.

  64. Steven, I am looking at buying a pair of used 2013 Seadoo GTS 130’s. Each has 450 hours. I use KBB to set the benchmark price, double check with JD Power and then begin the handicap process. My research has told me that the average use per year is around 30 hours, and that PWC makers design the units to last about 10 years. How would you begin to look at pricing given that the number of hours on these machines are almost double the average? Another way of asking this question: do you have a metric that prices the machine after the basic year x average hour/year usage ? Is it every 30 hours you drop the price $50, $100. I understand your mindset when you say that machines that are taken care of last longer, but is there a limit to that statement ?

    • After 10 years cosmetic parts become hard to find but the important stuff stays around much longer. This 10-year thing was mostly for 2-strokes and with 4-strokes these days they’re lasting so much longer. As for the hours, 450 is a lot for a 2013 model. But that 130 or 155 Sea-Doo engines are good and can handle those hours fine. The way 2020 has been going pricing for used and new jet skis have been overly high because demand is way up due to current events. Also, keep in mind the 2013 GTS did not have reverse or braking, only the GTI and up had that. The GTS models are mostly bought by rental companies and that would explain the high hours. KBB watercraft has retail for a good condition at $4950 as of right now. If you can get one for $3800 that would be a steal, but $4,200 would be fair. This of course is me shooting in the dark because I have not seen them in person and just giving you a rough idea.

  65. Steve, looking at buying a 2018 gtx limited seadoo with the sound system and trailer. Guy is asking 14,500. Has 350 hours and these components added. riva racing exhaust and exhaust manifold. Stage two racing… come with ski pylon also 3 life jackets cooler for ski and dock rope dry storag.

    • That’s going to be a loud and fast GTX Limited! That’s a lot of hours for a 2018 too. With all those aftermarket parts I would be not so willing to get it unless you want an extremely fast jet ski. Those are not cheap or easy upgrades to do so this guy really wants to go fast.

  66. Hello i am in the caribbean there is someone offering me a 2008 seadoo rxt 215, with 195 hours for 4.8k wanting to know if i should go for it over a 2014 spark with 124 hours for 3.7k. I cant seem to find anywhere online how long these rxt models usually last.

    • With that year model RXT I would make sure the supercharger has been rebuilt as that year was a bad year for them. Compared to the Spark, the RXT will ride way better especially in rough water.

  67. looking to get a 2020 GTI Rental it has 450 to 500 hours also has all service records, Asking for $3500 to $4000 is this a good deal or stay away.

    • That’s a tough one as I would need to see them personally to make that decision. If I had to give you an answer, that is way too many hours for a current year model and I would avoid it. Unless they can prove they took care of them and serviced them when they’re supposed to I would consider it but rental units are ridden hard and not treated right by most renters. I tend to avoid rental machines.

  68. 2006 seadoo gti, 300 hours, oil just changed. $4000 with trailer. This would be my first jet ski, just concerned the hours are high. Another option is $6000 for seadoo 2011 gts 130 120 hours.
    What’s your opinion on the better deal, better model, and if either would be resellable later?

    • I would personally go with the 2006 GTI because it has reverse as the GTS in 2011 did not. For a 2006, having 300 hours is not a lot, I would expect closer to 400.

  69. I am looking at a 2016 Yamaha Wave Runner VX Cruiser HO with 97 hours. Seller wants $9,499.00 including trailer and cover. He will throw jet dock with pipes and fittings in for $1,000.00. Is this a good deal? I am thinking $9,499.00 with jet dock would be great?

    • He seems to be a little high. As of now, KBB watercraft says retail is $8k. A used trailer maybe $500 and a cover I wouldn’t factor in as you should buy a new one anyway. Though $1k for a good drive-up lift is a good deal. He might be stuck on that number because jet skis are selling like crazy this year due to current events. I never have seen the market like this before, but I would try to haggle him down some as he’s way off.

  70. I agree with Steve lake test it and if everything is a go, jump on it. Sounds like a great deal. I’m on offer up and let go all the time. People are asking that much for jestkis with over 200 hours.That are older and not even takin care of. Have fun riding…. I own a Honda r12 and Seadoo Gts. Yamahas are supposed to be the best machines out there that last over time very dependable when starting.

  71. Hello, My neighbor selling 2010 VX cruiser with 50 hours on it. Mostly used in lake. Well maintained with a new trailer he is asking 5200. Hours are low is this a problem if it was properly serviced ?

    • If he serviced it every year then low hours don’t matter that much. If anything that is a good sign and you found a gem! I would still lake test it to make sure it runs fine.

  72. Hello Steven, Long time rider, first time buyer. Thoughts on 2008 Sea Doo 130 GTIs with 500 hours. Looking a a pair with trailer for $8,0000

    • Solid ski but those hours are very high. They’re 12 years old so I would expect 360 hours on each one maybe 400 but 500 is a little too high. Maybe if the guy does the whole package for $7k I would consider it but know those are high hours for any jet ski.

  73. Great article, very informative. This weekend, I’m going to look at a 2012 Yamaha VX Cruiser with 200 hrs. $6k with trailer included. Do you think that’s a fair price?

    • $6k with trailer seems fair to me. KBB watercraft has just the machine at $6k and he’s giving you a trailer too is a win. Nothing too odd about the VX for that year but I would still lake test it and check it out before buying. At 200 hours that is about where I expect it to be for an 8-year-old jet ski.

  74. Im looking at 2 Yamaha jet skis. Both same year, which is 2000, one is a Yamaha GP760 and the other is a Yamaha XL800. the GP760 has 156 hours on it and the XL800 has 176 hours on it. He is asking $4,200 for both of them including a trailer. What do you think about he hours and the price?

  75. I’m buying a 2013 Yamaha FX SHO with 104 hours and a 2013 Continental trailer. It was a dealership trade-in. I’m having the dealership do the 100 hour owner’s manual service before delivery. At $8,700 out the door, how’d I do?

    • With a trailer, not bad. Plus they’re doing the service, it sounds like you’re going to have a good ski and a good time.

  76. Hi looking at a 2004 seadoo Rxdi with 114 hours for 4k on a trailer. Looks real nice still what do you think?

  77. I have been looking at a pair of 2008 GTX 215 with 127 hours on one and 133 on the other. Garage kept and looks new. So I am assuming they just did not use it. They are asking 8500 for the pair with TRL. I have a pair of 2004 FXHO and one blow the motor after 889 hours. So looking for something newer but they all over 10K jut for one ski.

    • With that GTX you’ll want to make sure the supercharger has been rebuilt recently and you need proof of that. The 215HP engine between 2006 to even 2009 had supercharger problems. That model needs its superchargers rebuilt every 100 hours.

  78. Hi Steven, Looking at a 2012 gti 155 with about 325 hours. Guy wants 5500 which seems high to me for a ski with that many hours…..could you give me your opinion on the age/price assuming the machine had regular maintenance done.

    • Today KBB Watercraft has it at $5905. If that includes a trailer $5500 is a deal. If it does not include a trailer $5500 for me personally is too high. That 155HP engine from Sea-Doo is solid and to have that many hours means he liked it and was a good machine. I would still ask for service records to make sure he took care of it right. Since we’re going into the heat of the season I would be happy at $5k, but if you wait too long someone might just give him what he’s looking for as it’s getting warmer.

  79. Have a question looking to buy 2 jet skies from a rental place in Wisconsin the guy says they have almost 600 hours on them each he has 2 of them and they are 2007 Yamahas asking 3500 for both first time buying so really don’t know much if someone can give me good advice thank you

    • I tend to avoid rental jet skis as they have a lot of hours and the people riding them don’t care about them. But if they’re 2007 models with 600 hours each then that rental place did not use them much or something is not right. A rental company can easily get 500 hours on a jet ski after 2 years. But the ones you’re looking at are from 2007 which is 13 years ago. That is about what I expect from a normal rider to put on the machine. Something doesn’t seem right so I would avoid those.

  80. What are your thoughts about buying a jet ski that was a rental? There’s a lot of them in my area… one or two years old, rented for one summer season. They look brand new, supposedly flushed after each use (salt water use), maintenance per manufacturer recommendations. My concern, 500 to 600 hours. Yamaha EX and Sea Doo sparks are common and are listed at around 4,500 to 5,000…. 2018 models.

    • I try to avoid rental jet skis. The people who rent them don’t care about them and they often do everything wrong. Not only that but they always have high hours. For 500 hours I would expect that from a 15-year-old jet ski. You’ll also find it nearly impossible to sell it yourself in the future once you want to upgrade as you’ll have even more hours than you do now. Even if the jet ski is still a year or two old at those hours the warranties on them expire so you don’t have the benefit of warranty care. They’re also asking way too much for a 2018 Spark or EX with that many hours, maybe if they were $2500 or 3k I would consider them but I would not expect to resell them and treat them like they’re disposable. For your price range, you can find better deals with fewer hours.

  81. Great Article thanks for the info and break down. Every thing you said makes sense. Although I do own a Honda 2004 Aquatrax Fx 12 nonturbo and you can still get parts for them just more costly on certain parts. Honda still backs their recalls till this day. Going to take mine in for recall on gas tank. Just call Honda head quarters and they will give you the number in your area. Stay way from the turbos just like you basically said. Unless you can flip one and make some cash. Happy summner fellow Pwc riders.
    Was planning on going to lake perris for father’s day no go….algae bloom. Got hosed well any suggestions. Joe in Cali.

      • Hi Steven, great article as it is very helpful. I’m looking at a 2018 seadoo spark with 60 hours with 2018 trailer for $6500 or a 2011 Yamaha vx with 122 hours with trailer for 5200. I’m in Florida. The seadoo is still under warranty but the Yamaha looks so much nicer even though it’s 2011. I am new to PWC this is my first purchase. Which is the better buy?

        • The Spark will be more playful and fun compared to the VX but the VX is no slouch either. The VX will be more comfortable for longer rides but the Spark will be more fun on shorter rides. If it was me and being new to the sport I would lean towards the VX because it’s cheaper and a good entry to the jet ski world. After owning the VX for a while you can get a feel of what you like, if you like comfort you can move towards the FX’s/GTX’s or if you like more playful you can move towards the Sparks or EX’s.


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