
2020 Sea-Doo vs. Yamaha vs. Kawasaki

The 2020 Sea-Doo vs Yamaha vs Kawasaki post by Steven can be downloaded below. I’ve converted it to PDF to make it easier to read such a long document.

Click here to download PDF.



I started working at a power sports dealership in 2007, I worked in parts, service counter, and as a technician before moving to sales in 2013. I created in 2014 to answer common watercraft questions I would get from people. Now managing the site full-time, I continue to provide advice and web tools for my readers about watercraft. I've owned several watercraft, with a Sea-Doo Spark as my current main PWC.

81 thoughts on “2020 Sea-Doo vs. Yamaha vs. Kawasaki”

  1. Steven,
    Really appreciate unbiased professional opinion.
    Looking to purchase 2 PWC.
    I found barely used 2020, Kawasaki STX 160 LX for $8500 with 25 hours and currently in between 2020, Kawasaki STX 160 STX 160X for $9K w 8 hours versus used 2 or 3 year seadoo GTIs either 155/130
    for 7–8 K

    Any words of wisdom which direction should I go? I’m trying to maximize value/riding experience since depreciation on these things is insane.
    It is getting chilly in Northeast–so I do not think I am going to be able to test ride either craft to decide…..

    Primarily going to be riding intercostal with occasional ocean runs w my teenage kids, no plans for water sports – getting a boat in addition to all of this (keep in mind that I am brand-new to all of this)

    • 2020 was such a strong year for new jet ski sales I’m hoping that 2021 will be flooded with used models and thus it becomes a buyers market. It’s hard to predict but seeing 2020 STX 160 already for sale is got me hopeful. I expect 30 hours a year out of jet skis so seeing 25 hours on them is quite normal. Me personally I would lean more towards the Kawasaki’s as they’re 2020 and would still have more warranty. a 2 or 3-year-old Sea-Doo GTI is nice if you need the brakes, it makes docking easier, but not a huge deal-breaker. You could roll the dice and wait till January or February to see what is in the wild as that is the heart of winter, especially in North-East USA. You might find better deals but it’s hard to predict as 2020 was such a crazy year for jet ski sales.

  2. Steven,
    Thanks for your informative website!! I currently have a 1994 Polaris SLT750(still running) and I am looking to replace it. I initially was looking at the Yamaha EX sport and deluxe. I wasn’t considering Sea-doo. I have talked to dealers who sell Yamahas and Sea-doos and they see fewer Yamahas in the shop. I suppose it all depends on how you treat your watercraft. But after reading your posts and reading other reviews I am now considering the Yamaha VX, VX Deluxe, and VX Cruiser. From the Sea-doo lineup I am looking at the GTI 90, GTI 130, and GTI SE 130. Grandkids are getting older so I would need something to tow a tube and possibly a skier. My Polaris can handle both duties with younger kids. Most of the time we just ride around the lake (900 acres). I think most of the watercraft I listed can do what I require (maybe not the GTI 90). Do you have any recommendations for which one would be best for my situation? Brand ?

    • Going with any VX or GTI will be a huge upgrade in comfort compared to what you used to have. For pulling people I would stay away from the GTI 90 as it doesn’t have the bottom-end power like the 130 or greater will have. The GTI SE 130 is nice if you want trim and a reboarding step but other than that it’s the same as the non-SE. Trim is nice for pull sports but not needed.

  3. Steven,
    I had a 1996 Polaris SLT 700 that has finally “died.” I’m trying to decide between Sea Doo or Yamaha next and which model. I’m not interested in speed. I go fast sometimes, but speeding around the lake is not a priority. Mainly, I like to ride around and look at houses, go to islands, and ride around at the marina.
    I’m wanting a pre-owned jetski because the new ones have ridiculous price tags.
    What year, which type, and which model do you recommend? WHERE should I begin my search
    to find one? I like bright, fun colors, but I’m not crazy about all of the black color on the Spark because
    it’s less visible on the water despite the few colorful areas.
    Thanks a million for your invaluable advice!

    • Look for any Sea-Doo GTI made after 2006, getting a 2011 or greater will have iBR brakes. Sea-Doo is more likely to have brighter fun colors than Yamaha. 2015 and 2016 Sea-Doo GTI had the most fun colors. If you go with new look at the GTI 90, affordable, it’s plenty fast, great on gas, plenty of storage, and a lot more stable than the Spark.

  4. Hi
    About to buy a supercharged Jetski for playing but also going in minor choppy waters.
    im torn between the FX SVHO and the GTX 230. Both got plenty of grunt for me. Will be cruising alot of the time but like having the supercharged acceleration on tap. I like how you can get all sorts of accessories for the gtx but I like the big storage amount of the FX SVHO.

    which is the better of the two? Which would be the better ski?

    • I would go with the GTX if you plan on cruising a lot of the time. The GTX seat is more ergonomic and more comfortable. Then the accessories you can add to the GTX is a real winner, no real tools required for most as they use the LinQ attachments. The storage is smaller on the GTX but it doesn’t feel like it. The way the front hood opens the storage feels huge and I’ve yet to run into an issue. But if you need more you can always get more storage that uses the LinQ attachments.

  5. When do you expect 2021 Sea Doos to be available? Do the manufacturers continuing producing the 2020 models all the way up to that point or do they stop in the shoulder season? Thanks!

    • There were a few 2021 Sea-Doo models but that was because the demand for 2020 models was so high they made more of them but due to when they made them they have to call them 2021. They were 2020’s with 2021 sticker. Usually, Sea-Doo releases new models in September but the US doesn’t get them until December or January.

  6. I’d like to buy a PWC but haven’t ridden one in 10 years so I want to try it first. I think the FX would be best for my purposes. The closest I have come to riding an FX is a place nearby that rents a GTX which I rented for an hour today and took it for a “test drive”. (Comparable model per your comparison lists above.)

    While playing with the cruise control I found a couple of features I really like but I can’t find if the FX cruise control works the same way, so hoping you or another person with experience can let me know.

    While driving the GTX at my desired speed I pressed the button to set the cruise control. Later I released the throttle and came to a stop. Then I pressed the throttle all the way and it accelerated up to my set cruising speed. It remembered the speed I had set, much like the “resume” button on a car. Does it work the same way on the FX, or would I need to set the cruising speed again after each time I release the throttle?

    The second feature I liked is I could use the buttons to set the cruising speed while the GTX was stopped, then press the throttle all the way and it accelerated up to that speed. Does the Yamaha work the same way or can you only set the speed by driving at the desired speed and then pressing the button?

    Thanks for any details you can provide. Your website has given me a wealth of information about the buying process and about specific models.

    • The cruise control works the same way. This in case you fall off the jet ski won’t keep going so you must keep the throttle in. You’ll find the cruise control works very similarly for both models.

  7. I’m on Lake Erie where it can often be a bit choppy. What would you recommend for the most comfortable ride between the GTI SE 170 and VX Cruiser HO?

    Is this is a scenario where the VTS could be a key factor?

    • I would go with the GTI SE 170 because it’s heavier and wider which will help with the chop. VTS would help with rough water because you can trim the nose up and down to suit the water conditions.

  8. Does the GTI SE 170 compare favorably to the VX Cruiser HO in terms of comfort for driver and passengers? I know the HO has a little more top speed.

    Everyone seems to be out of the Yamahas right now. I assume the same for the SeaDoo. I’m not sure if SeaDoo will be able to get production back up before Yamaha or not.


    • Yeah, 2020 was an odd year and jet skis sold like crazy due to current events. Sea-Doo did a small run of 2021 which are just 2020 models but many of those are already spoken for. Comfort-wise the GTI SE 170 will be very comfortable especially for the driver due to the ergo-lok seat. The real 2021 models won’t ship until December – January with most of those going to Australia first.

      • Would you recommend putting a deposit down on a ski at a dealership? I’ve had one dealership recommend that to me for the 2021s.

        Would that cut me out of any financing or rebates at the boat shows that will be coming along in January and February? Or will this next year have those deals since 2020 has been so odd and inventory depleted?

        I’m wondering if putting a deposit down might be the thing to do given the current situation.

        • I’m thinking 2020 was a fluke and things will be normal next year. I personally would wait closer to January to put down a deposit on a 2021 so that I would be ready for the 2021 riding season.

  9. Hey Steven,

    A HUGE Thank You for putting in the work! I am in Florida and would be in rough water more than not. 3 Questions:

    1. In your opinion is there a certain Make or Ski that does best in Salt Water?
    2. Your best overall rough water ski?
    3. Best Bang for the buck that fits the above 2 questions but focused on Touring (bar hopping) and pulling a tube/wakeboard once in a while.

    Thank you in advance for your time!

    • 1. I like sticking to Sea-Doo for saltwater because they use the closed-loop cooling especially if it’s a non-supercharged model.
      2. Kawasaki Ulta’s are great for rough water due to their weight and hull design. But if you want a Sea-Doo any GTX or RTX body will do fine.
      3. A Sea-Doo GTX 170 is the best value with a big hull. If you want to go fast then the 230HP is a great option. The WAKE 230 is a great option if you do a lot of pull sports, it’s the same body.

  10. Steven,

    Been following your website for several years now and wanted to thank you for all of the time and effort spent to help guide buyers. Married into a PWC family that has a couple Yamaha XLT 1200 WaveRunners and am now looking at getting my own. I’ve been leaning towards a VX Cruiser HO or GP1800R HO. I like the idea of using regular gas, having a bigger gas tank that’s fuel efficient, and being a bigger guy, feel like the extra HP would be beneficial. It looks like the only difference between the two is adjustable trim vs. Cruise control, but is there anything else I’m missing? How would you decide between the two? Will be using them primarily in Utah and Idaho Lakes. Also, what Sea-Doo model comes closest that’s not supercharged?


    • If you’re coming from the XLT 1200 the VX cruiser HO would be a huge grade, I would go with that for sure as the GP1800R HO is built for racing and not comfort. The closest thing to the Yamaha VX Cruiser HO would be the Sea-Doo GTI SE 170 but for your situation, I would get the Yamaha.

      • After asking a few questions to Steven, we bought 2 vx cruiser ho’s for our family and couldn’t be happier! I’m not sure what the process has been for others, but it was really difficult to find 2 available here in CA.

      • Thanks Steven! I know nobody has a crystal ball, but Is the VX Cruiser HO due for any major overhauls in 2021? I only ask because cars usually update about every 3 years, and I wasn’t sure if a similar pattern carried over into PWC? I think the last major VX change was 2015? I’ve found a couple 2020’s at a local dealer, but also recognize we are halfway through the season and new models should be announced next month and am trying to decide which way to go.

        • Jet skis usually change the body every 10 years or so and change color every year or every other year. It’s rare to find a dealer with any 2020’s in stock, 2020 was a crazy year for jet skis due to current events. Even the used market is going crazy. I’ve never seen jet skis sell so quickly in all my life, all the local dealers near me have sold out back in June. Usually, a dealer will have 10% of what they normally have carried through to the next year but this won’t be a thing for many dealers. I don’t think the hype will continue and I have a good feeling there will be used jet skis flooding the market in 2021.

  11. Steven –
    Your posts are an awesome resource for anyone searching to buy a PWC. Thanks for all your time put into this.

    I am looking for a 3 person model to be able to carry 2 adults and one child. I like the looks of the tiered cruiser seat on the WaveRunner FX cruisers and FX Limited SVHO. Does Seadoo have a similar seat? What do you find to be the most comfortable seat on the market for 3 people?

    Thanks in advance!

    • The GTX Limited has somewhat tiered seating but it’s not the same as Yamaha. While tiered seating sounds cool it does raise the center of gravity of the watercraft up and makes it less stable especially when you get more people on it. Comfort-wise I feel Sea-Doo is more ergonomic for the driver but the passengers there is no difference. The trick is to go sit on each model for at least 15 minutes to get a feel of it as everyone’s body is different. I have people tell me the seat on the FX is a lot better due to their body shape.

  12. Hi Steve!
    First of all, thank you for all the work you’ve done compiling all of the data, plus your great opinions, advice, and reviews. I really appreciate it and have turned to your pages hundreds of times already in my research.
    I have a question that I think you would would have great advice on:
    I used to have a Yamaha Waverunner about 20 years ago. It was great. I haven’t been out on the water since. Now, I am finally in a position to relax and enjoy the water, and am ready to buy something.
    I am a fan of Yamaha, but not against going with Sea-Doo. I am going to buy new, I think, for peace of mind and longer-term hold. I have two grown kids and two small grandkids, who will be using it with me on occasion, but wife and I will be using it most; however, kids will have access and we definitely will be doing some tow sports, mostly tubing I’d say. Will be used on Sacandaga Lake and the Hudson River. No oceans.

    I have a budget of about $15-$20,000, but obviously don’t NEED to spend that much.

    Here’s my question:
    I’ve always had it in my mind that I would buy two PWC’s. If it were you, considering the family, would you buy TWO lower-end PWC’s or ONE higher-end PWC? This si the only question I can’t find my answer to, and hoping you could help. I could, for instance, buy a mid-range sled and a rec sled, I guess. I’m not sure what to do. A VX and an EX? A GTI and a Spark? One FX or Wake?

    I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts.


    • If you can get two jet skis, get two jet skis. It’s not fun waiting your turn and driving with another jet ski is a lot more fun than riding behind on one jet ski.

      A great option is to buy a Sea-Doo Spark or Yamaha EX and then a Sea-Doo GTI or Yamaha VX. A Sea-Doo Spark 3up and a Sea-Doo GTI 90 or 130 would have you where you want to be price-wise. You get the best of both worlds. One watercraft that is playful and another one that is better for pull sports.

      Getting two cheaper jet skis is better than getting one expensive jet ski in my opinion.

      • That narrows my choices down somewhat as I really don’t think I want a supercharged engine. The 170 is probably where I should be any anyway but you know how it is with guys and horsepower. I’m about 90% committed to a GTX though.

  13. I’m a little surprised that that you rate the 300 slightly more reliable than than the 230 . I thought that that 230 NA would be more reliable?

    • The Sea-Doo 230HP engine is supercharged and not naturally aspirated. The 170HP is NA and I would say it’s more reliable than the 230 or 300.

  14. Steven — 2 questions:

    1) from a RELIABILITY standpoint, do you favor the 230 or the 300 in the GTX Limited?

    2) worth buying a 2019 if it’s discounted significantly over 2020? Value of 3-yr warranty worthwhile?


    • 1) I would go with the 300 as it’s been around a little longer but both are similar in reliability.
      2) For sure go with the leftover 2019 model if you can still find one.

    • Kawasaki makes some of the best ocean-going jet skis on the market. They’re heavy and the hulls take the chop very well. The biggest problem with Kawasaki is the lack of them innovating and adding new tech. Some may see this as a bonus as fewer things to go wrong but it’s a hard sell for many.

  15. Thank you for the in depth content, I’ve spent more time than I thought possible on your site! We’re a family of 5, kids are ages 5-9. We’d like 2 skis: 1 for tow in surfing for husband, but also to tube with the kids and a 2nd less powerful for me to enjoy plus tow the kids behind tubing, skiing, etc. can you recommend a Yamaha for tow in surfing in + family time? Seadoo Wake 170/230, which other skis to consider? I’d like to narrow it down and then shop used, but still fairly new. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you.

    • If you plan on doing a lot of pull sports then the WAKE models will be the best option. The WAKE 170 is a good all-around watercraft made just for this. Before 2020 the WAKE 170 was called the WAKE 170, different engine and hull. For the second ski, you might want to stick to the Sea-Doo GTI’s or Yamaha VX models. You could go with the Sea-Doo Spark or Yamaha EX but they won’t be as comfortable as the GTI or VX models.

      • I think I’ve narrowed it down to Sea Doo Wake 170 and Yamaha VX Cruiser HO for our two skis. What are your thoughts on one of each vs 2 sea doo wake 170 vs Yamaha VX Cruiser HOs? And 2019 vs 2020 models? Shopping for 2019s now hoping to get a deal since 2021s come out so soon.

        • I would stick to getting the same model from the same manufacturer, it makes warranty and repair work easier. Due to current situations with the world both Sea-Doo and Yamaha dealers are selling out of 2020 units, this usually doesn’t happen until after July or August. I guess everyone was tired of being home and decided to get jet skis. If you can find a 2019 go for it but it’s getting hard to find 2020 and the 2021 won’t ship until December at the earliest.

  16. What a great website this is…thank you!

    As of today, where do you see the best ‘value’ in 2019 or 2020 on the highest end Sea Doos and Waverunner models? High power (occasional tube pulling) and stability are my priorities, riding on Lake Michigan. I was looking at:
    – Yamaha FX Limited SVHO
    – Sea-Doo GTX Limited 300
    – Sea-Doo GTX 230

    Then generally, how game-changing is Sea Doo’s palm grip (maybe only when doing extended/aggressive riding)? Many thanks!

    • The best value will be in the Limited models for sure. Feature-wise the FX limited wins but power wise and comfort the GTX Limited wins. As for the palm grips they’re worth it especially if you do long rides in rough water like Lake Michigan.

  17. Hey Steven, my dad wants to buy a supercharged sea doo. I am leaning towards Yamaha because I read that Yamaha’s last longer and the engines are better. I also read that Yamaha’s are better on gas and require less maintenance. In Canada, sea doos are cheaper and they have 50 more hp than the top yamahas but I heard that they could sink because of the carbon seal. Would you recommend the sea doo or the Yamaha ?

    • Every manufacturer has it’s fanbase and they like to rag on each other. The manufacturers do a great job but you will have a small percentage of people who will have trouble. You only hear from the people having trouble because the people not having trouble are too busy enjoying their watercraft. I hear people complain about the carbon seal but in my experience, I’ve only seen a handful of people have issues with them. The supercharger issue the 2006 to 2009 Sea-Doo had was a far bigger issue if you asked me along with the timing chain issue that Yamaha had back then too. I personally like the ride and tech of the Sea-Doo over Yamaha. But Yamaha has some great models like the VXR and now called the GP1800R HO – Sea-Doo can’t touch these things. If I had to boil it down if you want comfort and tech go with Sea-Doo, and if you want power go with Yamaha. The racing models from Yamaha in 2020 are far better than what Sea-Doo is doing but the comfort models from Sea-Doo are far better than what Yamaha is doing.

      • Hey Steven , thanks for the help. Another question I have is are supercharged jet skis harder to maintain than non supercharged jet skis ?

        • Supercharged jet skis require maintenance every 200 hours depending on the model. The supercharger is under a lot more stress and needs more attention to it. But if you want to go fast the only option is to get a jet ski with a supercharger, no matter the brand they all need to be serviced.

  18. Great article.

    How critical do you think the iBR/Ride system is?

    I’m looking for a larger touring/luxury PWC. Usage will be in mostly protected waters, but would like to be able to head offshore as well.

    I like Kawasakis since they seem to consistently have the larger storage and fuel tanks, but is lack of iBR/ride a deal breaker?

    • iBR and RIDE is very nice especially if you’re new to watercraft or when friends ride your machine. It gives you better control of the watercraft but I would not say it’s a deal-breaker. It’s like an automatic car vs a manual transmission car, both are fine it’s just that one requires more work and getting used to than the other.

  19. I am a male almost 69 years but in good shape. I have been thinking of buying one of these to use when I’m down at Gulf Shores, AL. My question is am I considered too old and if not any machines you would recommend? I would be a beginner.

    • I’ve seen an 80-year-old couple outride 20 somethings on the intercoastal waterway before. With the bigger models like the GTX, FX, or ULTRA they’re easy to drive and take the waves well. I would avoid anything else if you care about comfort.

        • If you can find a 2019 go for that one for sure! Better deals on leftover models and nothing changed much between the two year models.

  20. Interesting read but not hard to see the author is biased towards SeaDoo (to be fair they did mention this). The fact is Sea Doo and Yamaha are the best there are. Kawi is coming along but they need to step it up. All things being equal go with Yamaha. But if the price is the same go with the one that fits you and your needs best. You really can’t go wrong with either. Leave the Kawi at the dealership where it belongs.

  21. Thanks Steve. I’m new to the whole PWC segment and your articles have been a great assistance sorting through the marketing pitches and getting down to the facts. I also like that you admit you are a “seadoo” guy up front and still fairly represent all the products fairly by letting the numbers speak for themselves. Well done Sir. A coffee has been sent your way!

  22. Thank you – so much good info here. I can read up on all the details from this site and not bug a salesman with a bunch of questions. The only reasonable expectation I have is that the dealer have one in stock so I can get it and go.

  23. Well the wife just chopped the ole budget! Looking at $11/$12k all-in. So no 2020. Perhaps no 2019?
    Best towable 260-300hp 3up @ those $$$?

    • You can find some nice used PWCs if you spend that much but I would try shopping around your closest dealers to see if they have any leftover models in that price range. Try the dealers that don’t focus on selling jet skis as much, the ATV and motorcycle dealers may have a lot of leftover models they can’t get rid of because it’s not their main focus. Many dealers will also get in a bunch of trade-ins they sit on all winter long and looking to move those. A lot of people trade in this time of year to get a head start on the riding season that is to come.

      As for the best jet ski for towing it would be any WAKE Model. If you want raw power the RXT or RXT-X would be great but if you also want something a little more comfortable then the GTX 230 would be a great option too. Just avoid suspension (iS) models when it comes to pull sports as the tow point is the hinge of the suspension.

  24. How awesome or necessary is the 2020 Sea-Doo “Lounge Seating – You can move the seats around and have a picknick or relax on the back”?

    I have to get a 3 seat and want the 300 (I’m a big man @ 220#).
    Plan to pull 2 kids on a tube quite a bit, then possibly train them to ski/wakeboard as they age (currently 5/7).

    Right now, per your website, leaning towards:
    2020 Sea-Doo GTX LIMITED 300 -OR- 2019 Sea-Doo RXT-X 300

    Thoughts? Other suggestions? Know of any offers if buying this month (overstock, promotions? (other than end of mo))?

    Appreciate all, sir! Your website is great!

    • Lounge seating is cool but not super important. What it does is to allow more accessories to be added to the PWC like coolers or ski pylon – that is worth it.

      Going with the 300 if this is your first jet ski will be overkill. A 90HP spark can pull kids fine and a 130hp can pull a full-size man fine too. Your best bet is to try to buy any leftover models. Right now in the US, many dealerships are having “boat show” specials which means great warranty deals and rebates. You’ll be surprised what kind of deal you can get now in the winter. Jet ski dealers don’t really do the better deal at the end of the month like car dealers do, I talk more about how to get a good deal on this post

  25. I am looking to buy a sporty jet-ski. Grew up on stand-ups love them but think not practical. My kids keep telling me to get the Sea-Doo trixx 3up however I hear it is difficult to ride/balance ect. I am wondering if the Yamaha EXR would be good comprise for the fun factor. I found a 2019 model for about same price as 2020 Trixx. Thanks for input.

    • The EXR will be as unstable as the Trixx if not worse because it’s less wide than the Trixx. But the EXR will be faster while the Trixx will be more playful. It will come down to if you want something fast or something playful, other than that you can’t go wrong with either. I will say a dealership is more willing to work on selling leftover models so the EXR might be your best bet deal wise.

  26. I’m looking into buying a Yamaha GP1800R SVHO, do you think I should wait for model year 2021 for any upgrades? The new models get announced around August of each year.

      • Thank you for answering so quick! Are there more sales as we get closer or during summer? Also is the new LCD touchscreen worth it and how do you think it will hold up over time? Do you see the touchscreen coming to this model?

        I’m your opinion which jet ski has the best resale value?

        • Many US dealerships will be having boat shows this time of year and doing other things to drum up business as winter is the slowest season for them. When it’s slow the best deals come.

          As for the touch screen, it’s cool but not life-changing. You can’t touch it when the craft is moving and doesn’t work the best with wet fingers. You’ll find yourself using the physical buttons more because they’re more convenient.

          As for the best resale value, it will be the middle of the road watercraft. Nothing too expensive or cheap and nothing with a supercharger.

  27. I’ve researched a lot, looking for what my new (first time buyer) ski should be, and I can’t seem to find much on the differences between the new (2020) GTI hull and S3 GTX. Is the new GTI just the material, or is it shaped somewhere similar to the S3? I’ll be using the ski in various conditions–from calm to wavy (outside of getting caught in choppy conditions, I’ll mostly avoid whitecap days)–and want to make the best choice. Use will be playing around a bit but mostly heading to areas to hang out. Thanks!

    • The new GTI hull is a little shorter than the GTX hull and made of Polytec with fiberglass fibers in the middle for extra strength. The 2020 GTI’s are a great value this year unless you’ll be riding in very rough water then the little bit longer GTX hull will be a must. If you have any back or leg issues I would go with the GTX instead, it offers a less cramped feeling and a more comfortable ride in comparison.

  28. I haven’t had a waverunner since 1992. Obviously, any of the ones today would be much better than what I’m used to. I plan to buy in January and went to a store yesterday to see what was available. After reading your articles (thank you), I had pretty much decided on the EX or Spark due to budget; however, the salesman said they don’t even carry EXs since they can never sell any because no one wants them, but he did carry the EX Deluxe that he “would” sell me–but I’d “be much happier with a ‘VX’ because I’m not 20 yrs old anymore.” Basically, riding all day would probably be hard on my back, etc. (it will be bay to gulf riding–not lakes). And then, when I asked him about the Spark instead, he said “no way” and said it would be like riding a motorcycle.

    Now I’m not naive, I know riding all day will be much different now that I’m a 45 yr old female compared to back then when I was 17, but was he being dramatic? (I do have age related lower back pain like many others)

    I have considered buying used (not older than 5 years) but leary since it will be all salt water used around here and even though it may look like it has been well maintained, there may be some hidden problems.

    As far as usage, majority of the time it will be just me. Sometimes, there may be two people riding, and occasionally maybe towing someone. And I’m sure I’ll jump a few waves while I’m out there too.

    Which ones would you recommend?

    • The only problem with the Sparks or EX is the seat, it does get uncomfortable after an hour of riding. But if you’re riding in calm water all the time this is not much of an issue. The EX or Spark seat comfort level is about the same as a bicycle seat. Also, most people stop and take breaks after an hour of riding so it’s not a huge issue. The good news is that Sea-Doo has a Touring Seat for the Sparks which greatly helps this comfort problem.

      Going to a VX or GTI will be a noticeable upgrade in comfort. A Spark or EX will be more thrilling, there is nothing like them on the market. You could split the difference and get a GTI 90, its the comfort of a GTI, the engine of the Spark, but around the price of the Yamaha EX DELUXE.

  29. Thank You for great comparision!
    One thing – PWC is a type of vehicle, IMO.
    Should be: Company – Brand:
    Kawasaki – Jet Ski
    Yamaha – Waverunner
    Bombardier – Sea Doo


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